Self Care for Parents Week Three: Exercise Motivation If you are an avid exerciser then you probably don’t need this article for inspiration. However if you are like me, then learning more about the positive effects of exercise on brain and mood, has been an absolute game changer[…]
Read MoreSelf Care for Parents Week Two: Invest in Your Relationships I’ve recently been reading an amazing book. The Good Life: Lessons from the World’s Longest Study on Happiness by Robert Waldinger and Marc Schlutz summarises the findings of Harvard Study of Adult Development. This is a research study which[…]
Read MoreSelf Care for Parents Week One: Let’s Get Outside Yes I know that the weather, at least where I am in Newcastle, hasn’t been great but there are some really good, scientifically proven reasons, to plan to spend more time out and about in nature. Fancy a quick[…]
Read MoreSchool transitions are a subject close to my heart right now as my eldest hurtles towards the end of Year 6 and makes the leap into the scary world of BIG SCHOOL. At the moment she is excited, which is great. But I have no doubt that there[…]
Read MoreIf you have used the emotions cards to identify emotions which the child wishes to feel more of then this is a follow up activity. This next activity can get them thinking more actively about what they already do that makes them feel this way and what else[…]
Read MoreTalking about emotions with children is vital. It helps them to be able to recognise a range of emotions, to connect with the feelings these emotions might create in their body and to increase their confidence in their capacity to put their feelings into words. I like to[…]
Read MoreMy Problem with Supernanny Supernanny has a lot to answer for. First aired in 2004, back when most of us picked what we watched from the five free terrestrial channels, around 5 million people watched Supernanny every week. When I watched it back then, in my 20’s, before[…]
Read MoreShould you be worried about your child’s anxiety? The simple answer is that it all depends what you are going to do with your worries. Sometimes a single conversation can really bring an issue into sharp focus. This happened to me a couple of years ago when[…]
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