About Me


I’m Jo, I’m an NLP Child Therapist and Parenting Coach based in Newcastle upon Tyne. I have worked with children and families for the past 20 years and I am passionate about children’s mental health and providing support for families.

My Background

After spending my early 20’s working in a children’s home in Northumberland I worked for 9 years as a social worker in Newcastle working with families in acute stress. Through my years in the job pressures on local authority social workers grew. As moved forward in my career the demands on my time increased and I no longer felt able to do the work I loved.

The pressure was increased by having my own young children. I was in a state of constant day-to-day crisis management with no time to really do the work needed to move situations on. To do lists get longer by the day and the diary is constantly being reshuffled to manage that day’s priority.

This is a familiar story for a lot of professionals in health, social care and education. The resulting lack of job satisfaction is a huge contributor to the burnout which is endemic in the helping professions.  As time went by and I recognised the impact on my own emotional health I began to look for another way of supporting children.

I moved into the private sector working in children’s home management. I loved the time this allowed me to work directly with children and young people. Having my caseload limited by the number of bedrooms in the house was a huge bonus!

How I came to NLP

With concerns about children’s mental health at an all time high and parents under increasing pressure the appeal of a practical and outcomes-focused methodology like NLP was huge. I spoke to more and more parents who were worried and struggling to find the right support for their child. Anxiety and anger were top of the list of worries but specific therapeutic services, particularly early intervention were lacking.

All of which led me to becoming a licenced NLP child therapist. Now I get to use my skills to help children and families who are under pressure. Having worked with children and families throughout my career I know that NLP therapy methods work. They really can help you and your child to grow and achieve harmony together.

As the only licensed NLP4kids therapist in the Newcastle area you can trust my specialist knowledge of how to apply NLP techniques to work with children.

What’s Next?

If you are struggling yourself or are worried about your child then take action today and get in touch.

Or alternatively if you found yourself here looking for some parenting inspiration, information on emotional development, or overall wellness follow me on social media to keep up to date. Click the social media links at the top of the page.